The Wall O' Games
I had a little task to do for and ended up taking all of my Xbox games out of their cabinet. For fun, I stacked them so that I could take another picture for y'all.
With the exception of Cold Fear, which is still on sabbatical at The Frozin One's place, every Xbox title released in North America as August 11, 2005 is represented.
That's 637 titles.
I put the second-generation Steel Battalion controller in front to help give you a sense of how huge this collection has become. (Plus, it just looks cool.)
A few things to note:
- On the left side of the picture are 36 titles that are in GameStop sleeves. The were bought used and came with no manual or case. (Actually, one of them is Frogger Beyond, which is in a CD case and came from a vendor on eBay. It seems that title cannot be found at any major retailer.)
- If you zoom in, you will notice that the titles are upside-down (except for twenty or so in the left-most stack.) This is because my games are sorted by title and stacking them with the spines upside-down is the only way to get them back in the case alphabetically when they are stacked three deep.
- The titles that aren't upside down are in my "now playing" list, or were recently played when Frozin & Family came over for the weekend.
- If there is a "Limited Edition" release of a game, then the library includes that version of the release. (With the exception of Halo 2 -- I have both versions for LAN gaming.) Same comment for Morrowind, I only have the Game of the Year edition, not the original release. (Though, oddly, I have a copy of the original release manual -- somebody at EBGames screwed up and put the wrong manual in one of my pre-owned titles.)
- There are chairs behind the stacks which help support them.
- The right-most stack has 81 games in it. I got less ambitious as the stacks built to the left.
- Before the picture was taken, I had one minor fall -- about ten games from one column.
- After the picture was taken, I had seven separate stack falls involving over 200 games.
- Yes, I intentionally waited for X-Play to come on so that Morgan Webb's face (and only her face) would show just above the WOG. I was in the mood to jerk SlickMoney's chain. :)
EDIT: I just found out that there are six games missing from my database, and therefore, my collection. *sigh* I'll find some other way to photograph the monster (no, Slick, not Morgan Webb) once I have them ALL.
You have a few games there I see. Good stuff.
By Galen, at Thu Aug 11, 10:12:00 PM CDT
5 points for the impressive collection.
62 points for the "O'" inclusion in the title.
By k o w, at Fri Aug 12, 08:35:00 AM CDT
I feel like I need to buy a convertible sports car now.
By Kojubat, at Fri Aug 12, 09:16:00 AM CDT
Wish I was there to push it over... Chaos is so mucg prettier then order don't you think? ;)
By Anonymous, at Fri Aug 12, 10:19:00 AM CDT
Will you adopt me? Please?
By Anonymous, at Fri Aug 12, 10:25:00 AM CDT
Holy god... Please tell me you don't watch XPlay. Morgan Web is a friggin Munster. Adam is god's gift to poofs. Nice collection though! Where's the classics and multi platform titles?
By Anonymous, at Fri Aug 12, 03:20:00 PM CDT
Wall O' Games= Wall O' Awesome. You gonna extend the collection to the 360? :D
By Tevin, at Fri Aug 12, 05:09:00 PM CDT
Cynn: if it is a U.S./Canada NTSC release, then it is in that pile -- except for the eight titles I've recently found out are real and not vaporware.
What I don't buy are Platinum Hits re-issues -- unless I don't already have the original release.
And realize that I'm an old PC gamer (going back to 1980 on the Atari 800.) The Xbox is my first console.
Tevin: Yes, I will continue this insanity on the 360 -- as long as my life circumstances will allow it.
By Cold Justice, at Fri Aug 12, 05:42:00 PM CDT
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